Ethical Community Town Hall with Rachel Pfeffer

13 Feb 2023 | 07:00 pm - 08:00 pm

Interim Executive Director Rachel Pfeffer is hosting a AEU Town Hall to solve complex problems with the Ethical community. The purpose of the Town Hall is curb anxiety and practice transparency. I will explain why, who, when, where and what we plan to accomplish in the next six months.

Everyone who is interested in solving complex, entrenched, sometimes called “wicked problems” is invited.  I will form a small group to collaborate with me as my thought partners. While I will do most of the leg work…we will develop a work plan and communications plan- to keep you in the loop. Please come to the Town Hall to learn more.

We hope to see you there and please don’t forget to RSVP

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Join by phone: Meeting ID: 845 6508 9520